-ful表示富有……的,充满……的,具有……性质的,易于……的,可……的,例如: powerful(有力的)、peaceful(和平的)、shameful(可耻的)、helpful(有帮助的)、forgetful(易忘的)。
- helpnicepeople什么意思
- help nice people 帮助好人
you well help children in need是什么意思
- you well help children in need的中文翻译you well help children in need 你帮助需要帮助的孩子们
you are always make excuss fou not helping me什么意思
- 有错, 应该是:you are always making an excuse f单贰厕荷丿沽搽泰敞骏or not helping me你总是为不帮助我找借口双语例句1There is no use making an excuse for this. 为这事编造借口没用。 2Anyone who objects to this utopian mandate, they maintain, isjust making an excuse for low expectations and bad teachers.而且他们也断言,那些反对这项乌托邦式法令的人只是在为低期望值和坏老师找借口。
who you helped 是什么意思
- 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . . 你帮助过的那些人
when you most need me,i was so helpless.什么意思
- 当你需要我的时候,我是那么的无助
traffic rules help t0 keep 0rder 0n the r0de 是什么意思
- traffic rules help to keep order on th…的中文翻译traffic 姬害灌轿弑计鬼袭邯陋rules help to keep order on the rode 交通规则有助于帮助维持秩序
today is grandmas birthday and we are helping her什么意思
- today is grandmas birthday and we are…的中文翻译today is grandmas birthday and we are helping he籂俯焚谎莳荷锋捅福拉r 今天是奶奶的生日,我们在帮她
the stranger couldnt help but be amused这句话是什么意思啊
- the stranger couldn&#涪甫帝晃郜浩佃彤顶廓39;t help but be amused这句话是什么意思啊谢谢了
- the s涪甫帝晃郜浩佃彤顶廓tranger couldnt help but be amused那位陌生人忍俊不禁.———————————–为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
the little boy helped me find the way to the bank yestrday 是什么意思
- 昨天那个小男孩帮我找到了去银行的路。