


有道翻译官,背靠有道词典。 有道词典,根据互联网上的网页内容随时更新词汇和例句,所以有道翻译能够将互联网上最新、最鲜活的中英文词汇和表达一网打尽。

出国翻译官支持语音翻译、拍照翻译和真人口译。这个APP重点在于解决不同语言使用者的交流障碍,可提供13种语言互译并支持语音识别,特别是中英文之间的双向语音翻译。 更厉害的是,它还提供景点语音导游,还包括其他国家的餐饮,住宿,交通景区购物等常用短语,点餐问路,再也不用担心害怕。





  • 超级间谍007不再驾驶他标志性的“阿斯顿·马丁”,连喝的酒都不再是马提尼——电影中的植入广告有时候是不是过头了些?Has Product Placement in Movies Gone Too Far? Product placement in movies is nothing new. Recognizable brand names appeared in movies from cinema’s earliest times. M&M’s maker Mars, Inc. is probably still regretting turning down Amblin Productions’ request to use its candy in its blockbuster movie E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial. Hershey Foods Corporation acted quickly and granted permission to use Reese’s Pieces (里斯巧克力豆) instead, boosting sales for those delicious little peanut butter flavored candies and making them a movie theater concession (小卖部) staple ever since.   But has product placement gone too far?  In the next James Bond movie, Skyfall, Agent 007 will ask for a Heineken instead of his usual “martini (马提尼酒), shaken, not stirred.”  Yes, the drink of choice for Ian Fleming’s great superspy character will now be determined based on sponsorship dollars. Heineken is good, but is nothing sacred? We’ve already seen Bond’s signature Aston Martin replaced by other vehicles—BMWs, Bentleys, Audis, Mercedes-Benzes, Jaguars, Rolls-Royces, and even Jeeps and Fords. To substitute a martini, that classy, intoxicating (醉人的) blend of gin (杜松子酒) and vermouth (苦艾酒), with beer, doesn’t seem in character for the dapper (衣冠楚楚的) superspy. Sure, Heineken is a popular international lager, and if James Bond were to drink beer, Heineken would be it, but give the man a martini! Get your sponsorship dollars from some designer for Bond’s tuxedo (礼服) or from a high-end wristwatch brand like Rolex—maybe it can shoot laser beams, or more practically, serve as a portable GPS device that will save 007’s life in the nick of time (刚好赶得及).   Other famous examples of product placement in movie history include Jeff Goldblum using an Apple computer to plant a virus in the alien invaders’ mother ship in Independence Day, Tom Hanks working for Federal Express in Cast Away, and the Man of Steel being slammed into a
  • 好的,,具体的。。。


  • 20世纪以来,尤其是近些年来,由于科学主义的畸形膨胀,由于商品文化大潮的猛烈冲击,人们的精神生活正日趋贫乏和苍白,人们的人文精神正逐渐淡化。只图感官刺激,不重审美悟道;只会搜寻信息,不求探索真理;只知急功近利,无意理想道义,――似乎已成为一种时尚的社会病。 人总是要有精神的。现代人的精神生活,不应是这样浮躁、粗俗、苍白的。而要使现代人的精神生活由病态走向健康,阅读优秀的古典诗文,就是一剂颇具功效营养丰富的精神良药。 优秀的古典诗文,是我们国之瑰宝。它是古代文化精英们对宇宙自然的独特观照。是他们对历史人生深刻的感悟,是他们情感生活的丰富体验,是他们思想智慧的结晶。它具有永恒的思想、情感和艺术的魅力,令我们常读常新,时时引起我们的共鸣。 优秀的古典诗文,不仅充分地显示出古代文化精英们无与伦比的艺术创造力,更渗透着浓郁的人文意识,它体现着中国的文化传统,它是传统中国的根,是中华民族的魂。 要弘扬中国的传统文化,弘扬中国的人文精神,我们理所当然地要学习古诗文。 古诗文固然是我们的国粹,但由于时代的局限,其中难免封建的糟粕,一些历来被认为是传统文化中的精华,随着时间的推移,社会的发展,也不再那么光辉照人,有的甚至已滞碍着新的精神、文化的发展。诸如专制思想、等级观念、宗法迷信,以及官本位思想、奴性意识、人治传统,都应是我们批判扬弃的对象。因此,我们在学习古典诗文时,不但要学习其优美的文辞,欣赏其高超的技巧,感悟其精妙的理趣,领略其深刻的思想,更要保持一份清醒,要有一种反思文化传统的意识和批判的勇气,要用当代意识对传统文化进行理性的审视,在批判的基础上继承,在继承的基础上发展,在发展的过程中完善,在完善的过程中新。
  • 那么点分翻译那么多,你也太小气了吧?

她经常在中午喝咖啡 翻译英文

  • She often drink coffee at noon.


  • 翻袱珐递貉郛股店瘫锭凯译如下:中午好。明天我可以休息吗Good afternoon!Can I have a rest tomorrow?